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Galostar site staff deliver enhanced building safety standards thanks to new NVQ

23 Aug 2023

Galostar Ltd. site staff are benefitting from The Association of Brickwork Contractors Ltd.'s brand new Brickwork Technician NVQ

The Association of Brickwork Contractors’ ABC Assessment Centre is thrilled to introduce an unprecedented qualification tailored for Brickwork Technicians. The NVQ L2 Brickwork Technician qualification is testament to the refined skills required to install the latest building product technologies, all closely aligned with building safety regulations.

Building on the partnership with CITB, ABC worked closely with the awarding body, NOCN, to expedite the onboarding process for the new NVQ Level 2 qualification. Employer letters of support were sent, resulting in a remarkably swift turnaround.


Furthermore, ABC has established the ABC Assessment Centre, enabling the delivery of the NVQ on sites across the country. This unique setup demonstrates ABC's commitment to promptly address industry challenges, resolve issues, and take decisive action through training and qualification initiatives.


Importantly, this new qualification aligns seamlessly with the Building Safety Bill and offers vital support to brickwork contractors in meeting the requirements of the Golden Thread. By investing in the professional development and recognition of Brickwork Technicians, ABC aims to contribute significantly to enhancing building safety standards and ensuring the protection of both individuals and structures.

Joel Riley from Galostar Ltd. commented "This is an amazing achievement by all at The Association of Brickwork Contractors Ltd and a brilliant progression for the brickwork industry.

The installation of fire safety and building performance items by brickwork contractors is of upmost importance. To now be able to demonstrate skilled operatives level of competency by means of an of an all encompassing Brickwork Technician NVQ is invaluable.

As a proud, long-standing member of The ABC, Galostar Ltd will certainly be amongst the first to benefit from this achievement.

Congratulations to ABC CEO Eve Marie Livett, Simon Livett , The ABC Assessment Centre Ltd Neil Allen , Dave Mills , Dean Degun and Lee Marley (LMB) for all of their hard work and effort in achieving this milestone for the industry."

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Joel Riley: ABC:

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